Good Thoughts in English
A good quote has the power to charge you with positivity and cheerfulness for the rest day. Nothing is impossible for a man, but sadly, he does not believe in himself that there are so many powers within him. If a man goes into the depths of his mind, then by recognizing his powers and using them, He can also make impossible tasks possible. The world’s most powerful Good Thoughts in English that will change your life & will take you to your destination also will make you strong from inside. No matter what the difficult situation, success will kiss you!
Best Life-Changing Good Thoughts in English
Every day, two bulls fight
in every person’s mind;
Positivity and Negativity
Do you know which one wins?
The one which you feed the most!

Never beg someone to be in your life.
If you text, call, visit and still get ignored,
walk away. It’s called Self-Respect.
Standing alone is better than
standing with people
who don’t value you.
No one wants to support you
at the start of your journey but
once they see your success,
they all want to be friends again.
Time is like a river.
You cannot touch the same water twice,
because the flow that
has passed will never pass again.
Enjoy every moment of your life!

When God blesses you financially,
don’t raise your standard of living.
Raise your standard of giving.
Just because
a person smiles all the time,
doesn’t mean their life is perfect.
That smile is a symbol
of hope and strength.
Anger doesn’t solve anything.
It builds nothing,
but it can destroy everything.
A hungry Stomach an empty pocket
and a broken Heart can teach you
the best lesson Of life.

Trust is like glass.
Once broken,
it will never be the same again.
Stop worrying. It’s going to be okay.
Close your eyes. Stop your mind.
Say your prayers and sleep peacefully.
God is working on your behalf.
Health does not always come from medicine.
Most of the time, it comes from peace of mind,
peace in the heart, peace in the soul.
It comes from laughter and love.
Always love your friends from your heart,
not from your mood or need.

Don’t close the
book when bad things
happen in your life,
just turn the page and
begin a new chapter.
Inspirational Good Thoughts to Start Your Day
Keep your distance
from people who will never
admit they are wrong
and always try to make you
feel like it’s all your fault.
No matter how stressed you are,
remember how blessed you are.
Count your smiles
instead of your tears.
Count your friends
instead of your enemies.
Count your joys
instead of your sorrows.
Count your blessings
instead of your problems.
And trust God through it all.

Do not educate your
children to be rich.
Educate them to be happy.
So when they grow up,
they’ll know the value of
things, not the price.
A family doesn’t need to be perfect,
it just needs to be united.
Forget who hurt you yesterday,
but don’t forget those who love you everyday.
Forget the past that makes you cry &
focus on the present that makes you smile.
Forget the pain but never the lessons you gained.
The most expensive thing in the world is Trust.
It can take years to earn and
a matter of seconds to lose.

Being happy doesn’t mean you have it all.
It simply means you’re thankful for all you have.
Sensitive people Love too much,
Give too much, and hurt too much,
but they have the Kindest hearts.
Life is the most difficult exam.
Many people fail because
they try to copy others,
not realizing that everyone
has a different question paper.
No one has the right to judge you,
because no one really knows
what you have been through.
They might have heard the stories,
but they didn’t feel what you felt in your heart.

Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone.
Don’t stress about the future,
it hasn’t arrived.
Live in the present
and make it beautiful.
Powerful Good Thoughts for Success and Motivation
A frog decided to reach the top of the tree.
All the frogs shouted,
“It’s impossible, it’s impossible.” Still the
frog reaches the top. How? Because he
was Deaf… and he thought everyone was
encouraging him to reach the top.
“Be deaf to negative thoughts,
if your aim is to reach your goal.”
If you get tired,
learn to rest,
not to quit.
Don’t expect to get what you give.
Not everyone has a heart like you.

Marriage doesn’t guarantee that you
will be together forever,
it’s only paper. It takes trust,
respect, commitment,
understanding, friendship and
faith in your relationship
to make it last.
Love your Parents.
We are so busy
growing up, we often
forget they are also
growing old.
Past is experience,
Present is experiment,
Future is expectation.
Use your experience
in your experiments
to achieve your expectations.
Life is not about
the quantity of friends you have.
It is about the quality of
friends you have.

No Regret in life
Just lessons learned.
Life is too short
to waste your time on
people who don’t respect,
appreciate, and value you.
Spend your life with
people who make you smile,
laugh, and feel loved.
If you have nothing
But a caring family.
Believe me you are rich.
Train your mind
to stay calm in every
Having coffee with your
best friend is all the
therapy you need.
Life is an echo.
What you send out, comes back.
a What you sow, you reap.
What you give, you get.
b What you see in others, exists
in you. Do not judge, so you will
not be judged. Radiate and
give love and love comes
back to you.
Short and Meaningful Good Thoughts for Daily Inspiration
One hug from the right person
takes all your stress away.
Find someone
who is proud to have you,
scared to lose you,
fight for you, appreciates
you, respects you, care
for you, and loves you
If you stand for a reason,
be prepared to stand
alone like a tree, and
if you fall on the ground,
fall like a seed that grows
back to fight again.
The most expensive
liquid in the world is a tear.
It’s 1% water and 99% feelings.
Think before you hurt someone.
Respect is the most important
element of your personality.
It is like an investment.
whatever you give to others,
it will return you with Profit.
Be good enough to forgive someone,
but don’t be stupid enough to trust them again.
Forget the things that make you sad.
Remember the moments that make you glad.
Forget the troubles that passed away.
Accept the blessings that come your way.
3 things to keep private:
Your love life.
s Your income.
Your next move.
5 things to Quit right now:
Trying to please everyone.
Fearing change.
Living in the past.
Putting yourself down.
A bird sitting on a tree is never
afraid of the branch breaking
because her trust is not on the branch
but on its own wings.
always believe in yourself.
You never know
how close you are,
never give up
on your Dreams !
Life is very short,
so break your silly egos,
forgive quickly, believe
slowly, love truly, laugh
loudly and never avoid
anything that makes
you smile.
If someone treats
you badly, just remember
that there is something
wrong with them, not you.
Swami Vivekananda’s Most Powerful Good Thoughts
Two things define you:
Your patience when you have nothing.
Your attitude when you have everything.
Don’t worry
what people say behind
your back, because
God is going to bless you
in front of their faces!
Life is short.
Time is fast. No replay,
No rewind. So enjoy
every moment as it comes.
When you die people cry and
beg for you to come back,
but sometimes when you’re here,
they don’t even show they care about you.
Never ignore a person who cares for you.
Because someday you’ll realize
you’ve lost a diamond,
while you were busy collecting stones.
Strength grows when we dare;
Unity grows when we pair;
Love grows when we share;
And relationships grow when we care!
Live in peace, not in pieces.
Work hard,
stay disciplined and be patient.
Your time will come.
Why do we close our eyes
when we pray, when we cry,
when we kiss, when we dream;
because the most beautiful
things in our life are not seen,
but felt only by the heart.
SMILE it will make you look better.
PRAY it will keep you strong.
LOVE it will help you enjoy life more.
Before going to sleep every night,
forgive everyone, and sleep with a clean heart.
Silence & Smile are two powerful tools.
Smile is the way to solve many problems
and Silence is the way to avoid many problems.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is
keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.
The truth always comes out in the end.
There is no elevator to success,
you have to take the stairs.
Be a pineapple:
stand tall, wear a crown
and be sweet on the inside.
Best Good Thoughts from Bhagavad Gita
Don’t wait until you are rich
to be happy.
Happiness is free!
Breaking someone’s trust
is like crumpling up a
perfect piece of paper.
You can smooth it over
but it is never going to be
the same again.
Don’t judge. Nobody has it easy,
everybody has problems.
You never know what
people are going through.
So before you start judging,
criticizing or mocking others,
their own battle.
If people say something bad about you,
judge you as if they know you.
Don’t feel bad, just remember
“Dogs bark if they don’t know the person.”
Life is too short,
grudges are a waste of perfect happiness,
laugh when you can, apologize when you
should and let go of what you can’t change.
Love deeply and forgive quickly. Life is too
short to be unhappy.
Never give up.
Great things take time.
Be patient.
The most expensive
thing in the world is Trust.
It can take years to earn and
just a matter of seconds to lose.
Family is not about blood.
It’s about who is willing to hold
your hand when you need it the most.
Never give up. Today is hard,
tomorrow will be worse,
but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.
No one stays with you permanently,
so learn to survive alone.
Never cry for the person
who doesn’t know the value of your tears.
Weak people revenge.
Strong people forgive.
Intelligent people ignore.
Memories are always special.
Sometimes we laugh by
remembering the days we cried.
And sometimes we cry by
remembering the days we laughed.
That’s Life.
The hardest walk is walking alone,
but it’s also the walk that makes
you the strongest.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam’s Inspirational Good Thoughts
Be a reflection of what you’d like to receive.
If you want love, give love.
a If you want truth, be truthful.
If you want respect, give respect.
What you give out will return to you.
Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind,
a pretty heart, and most importantly,
a beautiful soul.
Always be true and original,
because no one can replace you.
Anyone can say they care.
But watch their actions,
not their words.
Money is a small coin.
Health is a big coin.
Love is a lucky coin.
Friendship is a sweet coin.
But, relationship is a “Gold” coin.
Keep it safe.
Never judge people by their past.
People learn, People change,
People move on.
Love doesn’t need
to be perfect.
It just needs to be true.
When life is difficult
and when everything turns bad.
Always remember that
“Even a Tortoise can finish
a race as long as he never gives up”
Success is no accident.
it’s hard work, perseverance,
learning, studying, sacrifice and
most of all, love of what you are
doing or learning to do.
Every Successful person has a painful story.
Every Painful story has a successful ending.
Accept the pain and get ready for success.
Never regret being a good person,
to the wrong people.
Your behavior says everything about you,
and their behavior says enough about them.
Friendship is not about who came first,
it’s about who came and never left.
A Satisfied life is better than a successful life.
Because our success is measured by others,
but our satisfaction is measured by our own
Soul, Mind & Heart.
The Art of being happy is to be
satisfied with what you have.
Good Thoughts About Life to Stay Motivated
No Matter
what knocks you down in life,
get back up and keep going.
Never give up.
Great blessings are a result
of great perseverance.
Surround yourself with people
who know your worth.
You don’t need too
many people in your life,
Just the real ones who appreciate
you for exactly who you are.
A Mother is the only person
who carries you for 9 months in her belly,
3 years in her arms, and
forever in her heart.
Always remember that your
present situation is not your
final destination.
The best is yet to come!
Don’t be so quick to believe
what you hear because
lies spread faster than the truth.
Every pain gives a lesson.
and every lesson changes a person.
Life is Beautiful.
One day, one hour, and one minute,
will not come again in your entire life.
So avoid fights, angriness and
speak lovely to every person.
Life is About balance.
Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you.
Trust, but don’t be deceived.
Be content, but never stop
improving yourself.
Silence is the strong
fence around wisdom.
If you foot slips,
you can regain your balance,
but if your tongue slips,
you can never rebuild
your image again.
No matter how good or bad your life is,
wake up each morning and
be thankful that you still have one.
If you don’t clear
your misunderstandings in time.
They become the reason
for distance forever.
Treat people the way
you want to be treated.
Talk to people the way
you want to be talked to.
Respect is earned, not given.
The only people
who deserve to be in your life
are the ones
who treat you with love,
kindness and respect.
Heart-Touching Good Thoughts on Love and Relationships
Laugh when you can,
Apologize when you should,
and let go of what you can’t change.
Life is too short to be
anything but Happy.
Believe that tomorrow will be
better than today.
When your parents are not rich
but still afford to give you a
beautiful life.
Appreciate their sacrifices.
Falling in love is easy but
staying in love is very special.
Relationships are like birds.
If you hold tightly, they die.
If you hold loosely, they fly.
But, if you hold with care,
they remain with you forever.
Every little smile can touch
somebody’s heart.
No one is born happy but
all of us are born with
the ability to create happiness.
Don’t be a Parrot in life,
be an Eagle.
A parrot talks way too
much but can’t fly high
but an eagle is silent and
has the will power
to touch the sky.
Beautiful things happen in
your life when you distance
yourself from all the negativity
and drama.
The past is your lesson.
The present is your gift.
The future is your motivation.
Don’t be impressed by
Money, Followers, Degrees & Titles.
Be impressed by
Humility, Integrity, Generosity & Kindness.
Life is like a notebook.
Two pages are already written by God.
First page is Birth. Last page is Death.
Center pages are empty.
So, Fill them with Smile & Love.
Never blame anyone in your life.
Good people give you Happiness.
Bad people give you Experience.
Worst people give you a Lesson.
Best people give you Memories.
No one is perfect.
That’s why understanding
is so important.
Remember to take care of yourself.
Sometimes you get so busy
taking care of others
that you forget that you are
important too.
Best Good Thoughts on Friendship and Trust
If you’re helping someone
and expecting something in return,
you’re doing business, not kindness.
Family is like branches on a tree,
we all grow in different directions,
but our roots remain as one.
You can’t be strong all the time.
Sometimes you just need to be
alone and let your tears out.
Honest relations are just like water.
No color, no shape, no place,
no taste but still very important for life.
Never forget
who was there for you
when no one else was.
Apologizing does not always mean
that you’re wrong and the other
person is right. It just means that
you value your relationship
more than your ego.
Every day is a new beginning.
Take a deep breath, smile and
begin again. God woke you up
today for reason.
Trust in his plan,
his timing is perfect.
He will make a way.
Life is short,
don’t take one day for granted,
everything can change in a moment.
Be grateful for all you have and
all that you are.
Remember who is most important
to you and always cherish them.
Life is a gift and we are blessed.
Sometimes people don’t notice
the things we do for them
until we stop doing them.
If you have a family that loves you,
a few good friends, food on your table
and a roof over your head.
You are richer than you think.
My moral in life is simple,
you treat me good and
I’ll definitely treat you better.
Be yourself.
People may or may not like you,
but it’s important that you
stay true to who you are.
Don’t be afraid of losing people.
Be afraid of losing yourself
trying to please everyone around you.
Steve Jobs’ Inspirational Thoughts on Success and Innovation
Four beautiful thoughts of life.
Look back and get Experience.
a Look forward and see Hope.
Look around and find Reality.
c Look within and find Your Self.
it’s very hard to move on,
but once you move on,
you’ll realize it was the
best decision you’ve ever made.
Believing in yourself is the
first secret to success.
Life is a circle of happiness, sadness,
hard times, and good times.
If you are going through hard times,
have faith that good times are on the way.
Be Happy.
Not because everything is good,
but because you can see the good
side of everything.
Learn to love without condition.
Talk without bad intention.
Give without any reason,
and most of all, Care for people
without any expectation.
Forgiveness is the best form of love.
It takes a strong person to say sorry
and an even stronger person to forgive.
If you feel like you’re losing everything.
remember that trees lose their leaves
every year and they still stand tall and
wait for better days to come.
Everything in life is temporary.
So if things are going good,
enjoy it because it won’t last forever.
and if things are going bad,
don’t worry. It can’t last forever either.
The longer you have to wait for something,
the more you will appreciate it
when it finally arrives.
All good things are worth waiting.
Be happy with the little that you have.
There are people with nothing that
still manage to smile.
Be kind, Be fair.
Be honest, Be true.
And all of these things will
come back to you.
Always remember,
What goes around,
comes around.
Forgiving someone is easy,
but being able to trust them
again is a totally different story.
Good Thoughts on Never Giving Up and Chasing Dreams
No one notices your tears,
a no one notices your sadness,
no one notices your pain,
but they all notice your mistakes.
Help people,
even when you know
they can’t help you back.
One day, we all will depart.
on a journey free of cost,
don’t worry about seat reservation,
it is confirmed.
The flight is always on time.
Our good deeds will be our luggage.
Humanity will be our passport.
Love will be our visa.
Make sure we do our best to travel
to heaven in business class.
Give, but don’t allow
yourself to be used.
Love, but don’t allow
your heart to be abused.
Trust, but don’t be naive.
Listen, but don’t lose
your own voices.
No Family is perfect.
We argue, we fight,
we even stop talking
to each other at times,
but in the end,
family is family.
The love will always be there.
No matter how many times
a snake sheds its skin,
it will always be a snake.
Remember that before allowing
certain people back into your life.
Be strong enough to walk away
from what’s hurting you,
and be patient enough to wait
for the blessings you deserve.
Forget the things that
make you sad.
Remember the moments that
make you glad.
Forget the troubles that
passed away.
Accept the blessings that
come your way.
Not everyone is given
the chance to grow old.
So appreciate and
thanks god for every single
day of your life.
Never take advantage
of someone who like you.
Never say you’re busy
to someone who needs you.
Never cheat on the
one who has trust in you.
Never forget those
who always remember you.
Good Thoughts for a Growth Mindset and Self-Improvement
Sitting alone and enjoying
your own company is better than
being surrounded by fake people.
Happiness is not measured by the
amount of money you have.
it’s measured by the
wonderful people in your life.
Never stop believing in hope,
because miracles happen everyday.
When you are no longer
friends with someone,
respect the secrets they
shared with you.
It’s called Integrity.
The tongue has no bones,
but it is strong enough to
break a heart,
so be careful with your words.
Don’t compare your love story
to those you watch in movies.
They’re written by scriptwriters.
yours is written by god.
A clear rejection is always
better than a fake promise.
Sometimes you have to keep
your good news to yourself.
Everybody is not genuinely
happy for you.
Nothing is permanent.
Don’t stress yourself too much
because no matter
how bad the situation is,
it will change.
Love doesn’t need to be perfect.
It just needs to be true.
Do good for others.
It will come back in unexpected ways.
You will never be
good enough to everybody,
but you will always be the
best for someone
who really appreciates you.
Don’t depend too much
on anyone in this world
because even your own shadow
leaves you when you
are in darkness.
I don’t care what
people say about me.
I know who i am and
i don’t have to prove
anything to anyone.
No matter what happens in life,
keep a good heart.
A heart of patience and trust.
Don’t let the darkness of this world
harden your heart.
Distance yourself from
the people who bring out the
stress in you,
and move closer to those
who bring out the best in you.
Good Thoughts for Students to Stay Focused and Motivated
The art of being happy is
to be satisfied with what you have.
Before you assume, learn the facts.
a Before you judge, understand why.
Before you hurt someone, Feel.
c Before you speak, think.
The rain falls because the clouds can
no longer handle the weight.
The tears fall because the
heart can no longer handle the pain.
Let your attitude attract someone,
because beauty is not a lifetime asset.
Once you have matured,
you realize silence is more important
than proving a point.
Never forget
who helped you out
while everyone else was
making excuses.
Accept both compliments
and criticism.
It takes both sun and rain
for a flower to grow.
Quiet people are actually
talkative around the right
Do not give up,
the beginning is always
the hardest.
When i die,
don’t come to my grave to
tell me how much you love me
and how much you miss me,
because those are the words
i want to hear while I’m still alive.
Coffee never knew it would
taste so nice and sweet,
before it met milk and sugar.
We are good as individuals
but become better, when
we meet and blend with the
right people.
Everyone makes mistakes in life,
but that doesn’t mean they have
to pay for them the rest of their life.
Sometimes good people make bad
choices. It doesn’t mean they are bad.
It means they are human.
Don’t compare your life to others.
There’s no comparison
between the sun & the moon.
They shine when it’s their time.
You never know
how strong you are
until being strong is the
only option you have.
Help yourself to be happy,
don’t feed your mind
with negative thoughts.
Albert Einstein’s Thought-Provoking Quotes on Life and Success
People will push
you to your limits.
and when you finally
explode and fight back.
Suddenly you’re the
bad person.
Be patient.
Sometimes you have
to go through the worst
to get to the best.
The less you respond to
negative people,
the more peaceful you life
will become.
Life is like a camera.
Focus on what’s important.
Capture the good times
and if things don’t work out.
just take another shot.
Sometimes things that hurt
you most, teach you the
greatest lessons of life.
Sometimes you have to
Eat your Words, Chew you Ego,
Swallow your Pride and
Accept that you are wrong.
It’s not “Giving Up”,
It’s called “Growing Up”.
A Seed grows
with no sound but a tree falls
with huge noise.
Destruction has noise, but
creation is quiet.
This is the power of silence.
Grow silently.
Never stop learning.
because life never stops
Don’t believe in luck.
Believe in hard work.
In life, you will realize there is a
role for everyone you meet.
some will test you,
a some will use you,
some will love you,
and some will teach you.
but the ones who
are truly important
are the ones who bring
out the best in you.
They are the rare and amazing
people who remind you
why it’s worth it.
BE humble and never think
that you are better than
anyone else.
For dust you are; and unto
dust you shall return.
No Man can protect you
like your father,
No Women can love you
like your Mother.
The only way to do
great work is to
love what you do.
Success is not final,
failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to
continue that counts.
Your thoughts shape your power,
so always stay positive.
Sometimes your struggles are
there to test your strengths.
Your life does not
get better by chance,
it gets better by change.
The more you praise
and celebrate your life,
the more there is
in life to celebrate.
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