Friendship Quotes in English | 1350+ Best Friend Quotes in English

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. Best Friend is the one who is always there for you in any situation. He’s the one who is ready to listen and understand whatever the situation may be. A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Here are the best 1350+ Friendship Quotes in English share it with your friends.

Friendship Quotes in English

One loyal friend is worth
Ten thousand relatives.

Friendship Quotes in English

A true friend is one
who walks in when the
rest of the world walks out.

Good Friends Are Hard to Find,
Difficult to Leave,
Impossible to Forget.

A true friend does not
judge you in any way.

Best Friend Quotes in English

The best mirror is an old friend.

Friendship is a warm feeling
which comes from the
inner core of the heart
it can not be buy or sell.

Friends are like stars,
they come and go,
but the ones that
stay are the ones that glow.

friendship quotes

There is no price tag
on a best friend.

Only a true best friend
can protect you from
your immortal enemies.

best friend quotes

A friend is someone who can see
the truth and pain in you even when
you are fooling everyone else.

A best friend is like a four leaf clover,
hard to find, lucky to have.

happy friendship day

Friendship doubles your joy
and divides your sorrow.

Walking with a friend
in the dark is better than
walking alone in the light.

Best friend never allows you
to do stupid things alone.

friendship day quotes

A true friend knows
your weakness
but show you your strength.

Only a true best friend can protect
you from your immortal enemies.

Best Friend is like a chocolate chip
in the cookie of life!

A friend is someone
who listens when you speak
understands when you cry
and guides you on your way.

friendship status

Selfless love is more
common than true friendship.

I would rather walk with
a friend in the dark,
than alone in the light.

Never let your best friend get lonely
always keep disturbing them.

Best Friend Quotes in English

Friendship is not finding gold
or silver among the rocks of life
it is accepting each other as coal
until diamonds are formed with time.

A best friend is someone who tells you
the truth even when you don’t want to hear it.

true friendship quotes

A day spend with friends
is always a day well spend.

Be with those who
bring out the best in you,
not the stress in you.

A good friend helps you up
when yo fall a best friend laughs
in your face and trips you again.

Fake friends are like shadows.
They follow you in the sun
and leave you in the dark.

True friendship isn’t about being inseparable,
it’s being separated and nothing changes.

Friends are notes to life’s great songs.
A melody that carries you along.

A beautiful friendship
can change people.

Best friends are those rare people
who come to find you in dark
places and lead you back to the light.

That awkward moment when people
act like they know your
best friend better than you do.

Don’t make friends before understand
and don’t break friendship
after misunderstanding.

Once best friends now
strangers with memories.

A true best friend is someone
who sees the pain in your eyes
while everyone else
believes the smile on your face.

True friendship comes when
silence between two people is comfortable.

What is a Best friend?
A single soul in two bodies.

bff quotes

Best Friend is the one
who is just like a diamond,
very precious and rare.
They are very difficult to find
and very easy to understand.

Friendship improves happiness,
and abates misery, by doubling our joys,
and dividing our grief.

Friendship Status in English

Relation of friendship is greater
then the relation of blood.

Friendship isn’t meant
to be a one way street.

Never leave your friends
side unless you want drama.

A friend is someone who
understands your past,
believes in your future,
and accepts you just the way you are.

best friend captions

Friendship is based on trust,
without it.. there is nothing.

Friend has no end.

Good friends will share the umbrella.
Best friends Will steal it and yell:

Friendship is a mirror,
so that nothing can be hidden.

Friendship is like a paper once
it’s crumpled it can’t be perfect.

caption for friends

True friendship is when you walk
into their house and your
WiFi connects automatically.

Your friendship to me
means a lot to me.

A true friend never gets in your way
unless you happen to be going down.

Best friends are sent from the heavens.
They provider a shoulder
to cry on during heartbreaks.

Friendship is the only cement
that will ever hold the world together.

Friends are connected heart to heart.
Distance and time can’t break them apart.

Hold a true friend and don’t let go.
True friend comes once in a lifetime.

Every friendship doesn’t change into
love but every love begins with friendship.

Friendship consists in forgetting what
one gives and remembering what one receives.

I have learnt that once
a friendship is broken.
it never gets normal again!

True friendship is when two friends
can walk in opposite directions,
yet remain side by side.

Be slow to fall into friendship;
but when thou art in,
continue firm & constant.

A friend is a person who goes around
saying nice things about you behind your back.

Friendship Day Quotes in English

True Friend will stand up for you!

A single rose can be my garden
a single friend, my world.

Friendship is like money,
easier made than kept.

A true Friend loves at all times.

Fake friends believe in rumors.
Real friends believe in you.

A friend is someone who gives
you total freedom to be yourself.

Good friends are like stars.
You don’t always see them but
you know they’re always there.

There is nothing better than a friend,
unless it is a friend with chocolate.

A friend is someone who knows
all about you and still loves you.

If friendship is your weakest point
then your the strongest person in the world.

Do I not destroy my enemies
when I make them my friends?

World is full of smiles,
whenever friends are with me.

My best friend is the one
who brings out the best in me.

A true friend reaches for your
hand and touches your hear.

My friends are the weirdest,
most craziest people
I know but I love them.

A friend is one who believes in
you when you have ceased
to believe in yourself.

Friendship isn’t a big thing
it’s a million little things.

Love is blind;
Friendship closes its eyes.

Good Friends are hard to find,
are hard to fine, harder to leave,
and impossible to forget.

My best friend is the only person
in the world who could
stop me from crying.

Friends are the family you choose.

Should I be happy that
we’re friends or sad because
that’s all we will ever be?

A true friend is someone who accepts your past,
supports your present and encourages your future.

Besties Quotes in English

Friendship is blessed on trust,
without it there is nothing.

Friends show their love in
times of trouble, not in happiness.

That awesome moment when
you’re telling a lie and your
best friend notices and joins you.

Its better to be friends than
to be lovers because you forget
a lover but you never forget a friend.

A true friend sees the first tear,
catches the second an stops the third.

Friends are family you choose for yourself.

Fake Friends Believe In Rumors
Real Friends Believe In You.

A friendship that can
end never really began.

True friends are the ones
who have nice things to say
about you behind you back.

No person is your friend
who demands your silence,
or denies your right to grow.

It is better to live alone.
There is no friendship with a fool.

Friends Are Shade And
Happiness Of Our Lives.
I Love My Friends Forever.

If you want to have real friends,
the first step you have to do is to be ONE.

Some people go to priests,
others to poetry, I to my friends.

If you make friends with
yourself you will never be alone.

Me and my best friends
can communicate just with
Face Expressions.

I have benefits if anybody needs a friend.

Good friends don’t let you do
stupid things alone.

In the end we will remember not the
words of our enemies
but the silence of our friends.

True friends are always there for you.
Fake friends only appear
when they need something from you.

A good friend knows all your best stories.
A best friend has lived them with you.

Friendship Day Messages in English

Just wanted to say thank you
for coming into my life
and being my TRUE FRIEND.

That awkward moment when
you keep talking & you don’t realize
your friend walked away.

I don’t have an attitude,
I have standards for the people
who are supposed to be my friends.

True friend’s silence hurts more
than an enemy’s rough words.

True friends say good things behind you
back and bad things to your face.

There are no strangers in this world.
There are only friends you haven’t met yet!

Liking someone doesn’t mean
you have to be lovers,
sometimes you just have to be friends.

A true friend is someone
who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you when
you have forgotten the words.

Friendship isn’t about whom
you have known the longest.
It’s about who came,
and never left your side.

Good friends are like stars.
You don’t always see them,
but you know
they are always there.

A true friend is someone
who sees the pain in your eyes
while everyone else believes
the smile on your face.

Friendship is born at that moment
when one person says to another,
‘What! You too?
I thought I was the only one.

A strong friendship doesn’t need
daily conversation or being together.
As long as the relationship lives
in the heart, true friends never part.

Friendship is not a big thing;
it’s a million little things.

Friendship is the rainbow between
two hearts sharing seven colors:
feelings, love, sadness, happiness,
truth, faith, and respect.

True friends are like
diamonds –
bright, beautiful, valuable,
and always in style.

Friendship is the golden thread
that ties the heart of all the world.

We hope have liked this Friendship Quotes in English, Best friend quotes in English. You may also want to see our Friendship Quotes in Hindi & Friendship Quotes in Marathi.

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